Here is the first of the "Growing moss in the yard under the Shade of a Beech Tree" experiments.
My mother generously spent time pouring over plants at the local nursery to discover they sold
Gold Scotch Moss. She purchased 3 plants for us and Beech-nut 1 and I planted these today.

Find a good spot to plant.

We scientifically chose this location considering several key factors:
1. It is not in the path of foot traffic,
2. It is near a rock wall and there was a picture of a rock wall on the plant label,
3. It is in the shade,
4. My mom said it would be a good spot for the moss.

We dug a hole, weeded around the hole, planted the moss, and added water.
Now we play the waiting game.
The waiting game sucks. Let's play Hungry, Hungry Hippos.