While we waited for spring to be sprung, Jeff picked up the axe, long-arm lever, and shovel and dug out the side garden with the hopes of improving drainage and keeping our basement dry.
The previous owners built a flower/herb bed along the driveway. I've used this as a place to grow tomatoes since its the only part of our tiny lot that gets full sun. This year we joined a CSA, so its being turned back to a flower bed.
There are 2 problems with this garden:
1) It has no drainage so water runs right back through the fieldstones into the basement.
2) The dirt and mulch was piled up above the sill effectively creating a termite super-highway. If I put on bug-o-vision glasses, I'm certain I'd see signs proclaiming our basement to be a termites' vactionland.
So, Jeff dug a ditch 18 inches deep
The previous owners built a flower/herb bed along the driveway. I've used this as a place to grow tomatoes since its the only part of our tiny lot that gets full sun. This year we joined a CSA, so its being turned back to a flower bed.
There are 2 problems with this garden:
1) It has no drainage so water runs right back through the fieldstones into the basement.
2) The dirt and mulch was piled up above the sill effectively creating a termite super-highway. If I put on bug-o-vision glasses, I'm certain I'd see signs proclaiming our basement to be a termites' vactionland.
So, Jeff dug a ditch 18 inches deep
and added a lot of drainage rock
and a PVC pipe wrapped in landscape netting.
He added some rocks back on top of the pipePulled off the lower rows of siding.
Added some Boracare to the termite areas. There were several of these spots. Not surprising to find these spots since we already replaced the wood on the interior of this wall.
We added a rain/snow barrier that would divert the water directly into the drainage pipe.
Seriously.. when do you 2 do this stuff? 2 kids, 2 jobs. I'm so confused. We finished mulching.. only took 2 weeks and I felt good about that. Share your secret!
Boring day in the office so I'm reading your blog, I feel like I should be credited for talking Jeff through this over the phone.
Just sayin'...
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