Thursday, September 17, 2009

The spoils from Brimfield

Brimfield is filled with stuff. Good stuff, crappy stuff, and sometimes stuff I'm actually looking for that I'm willing to buy from someone who was really nice.

I went to Brimfield in May and scored this cabinet on my way out of J&J's field after a "Maybe just 1 more pass down this aisle".

I spoke with the man and his wife who were selling it for quite a while, and I think they gave me a good deal, and he helped me load it into the truck.

I didn't have the guts to pull an Eddie Ross and paint the whole thing. But I did like the way this looked:

So I just painted the inside with BM Decorators White in a Semi-gloss leftover from the kitchen paint job.

And moved it up to the little nook in the living room. I love the height it adds to the room, photos of which will be coming any month now.

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