This caused an issue. Spawn#1 couldn't get into the bed. After much debate with her, she decided and we agreed that she needed a step stool to get into that new "Big Girl" bed.
We hustled to the basement workshop to start the construction. In the scrape wood pile I found a 36" unpainted piece of beadboard, leftover from the Kitchen Bathroom remodel. She also discovered a piece of 3/4" that we had just enough to use that for the sides.
We donned our safety glasses and noise protection, setup the 3/4" straight edge bit into the router.. 1 run with the router across the top, chop into two 12" sections and we've got ourselves a step stool. Little glue and the Bessy Clamps to hold it over night. Spawn#1 is very excited and off to bed she goes, with me helping her in for the last time, sort of.
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